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Britney Spears-3

One, two, three,
Not only you and me.
Got 180 degrees and I'm caught inbetween.
Countin' one, two, three...
Peter, Paul and Mary.
Getting down with 3P, everybody loves... Uh!

One, two...
One, one, one, one, two, three...
Countin' one, two...
Countin' one, one, two, three...

Babe, pick a night
To come out and play.
If it's alright,
What do you say?

Merrier the more,
Triple fun that way,
Twister on the floor.
What do you say?

Are you in?
Living in sin is the new thing, yeah...
Are you in?
I am counting...

One, two, three,
Not only you and me.
Got 180 degrees and I'm caught inbetween.
Countin' one, two, three...
Peter, Paul and Mary.
Getting down with 3P, everybody loves... Uh!
Countin' one, two, three,
Not only you and me.
Got 180 degrees and I'm caught inbetween.
Countin' one, two, three...
Peter, Paul and Mary.
Getting down with 3P, everybody loves... Uh!

Three is a charm,
Two is not the same.
I don't see them harm,
So are you game?

Let's make a team,
Make 'em say my name
Loving the extreme.
Now, are you game?

Are you in?
Living in sin is the new thing, yeah...
Are you in?
I am counting...

What we do is innocent,
Just for fun and nothing meant.
If you don't like the company,
Let's just do it you and me (You and me...).
You and me (You and me...),
Or three (Or three... or three...),
Or four on the floor.


Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 168
Tegnapi: 22
Heti: 202
Havi: 254
Össz.: 68 969

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: ♥Britney Spears-3♥
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